Name | Pic | Skill | Mana | Duration | Effect |
Sense the Dead |  | Div | 5 | N/A | Point in direction of nearest undead. |
Locate Corpse |  | Div | 5 | N/A | Point in direction of nearest corpse, or at persons corpse you have targeted. |
Siphon Strength |  | Alt | 5 | 5min | Removes 10 Str from target, give to self. |
Disease Cloud |  | Con | 10 | 6min | Disease target, 5 direct damage. |
Life Tap |  | Alt | ~15 | N/A | Drain 5 hit points from your target |
Invisibility vs Undead |  | Div | 40 | Random | Invisible to undead. |
Leering Corpse |  | Con | 40 | Till Dead | Summon pet, requires 2 bone chips. |
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