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Below you will find a collection of photographs of a variety of Shadow Knights as well as real-life photographs from those that submitted them. Clicking on the Shadow Knight's name will open a new window with their picture within. In addition, I have included a link to their profile over at The Knight Watch, if they have one. For those that have not added their profile, I encourage you to add your profile here. Once you have added your profile, please let me know and I will link it here. |
Bristlebane |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Georgeo Armany | George Sarkis | Cranston, RI | No |
Brell Serilis |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Draeghos Gowron | Jack Storey | Columbus, Georgia | No |
Lamandar | Jonathan Baldridge | Columbus, Ohio | Yes |
Cazic-Thule |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Silorian | | | No |
Druzzil Ro |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Erebus Darkwyrm | Evaggelos Liotsakis | Alberta, Canada | No |
E'ci |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Astralpurdy Evilangel | Angela Bullard | Dallas, TX | No |
Blazebuster Bogardan | Byunghak Yoon | Seoul, South Korea | No |
Erollisi Marr |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Filious | Kevin Kew | Cincinnati, OH | No |
Uenaelar Uthmatar | Patrick Mulard | France | No |
Fennin Ro |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Bortas Shadowalker | Tim Sheckler | Port Orchard, WA | Yes |
Innoruuk |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Grugah Kissmeebootee | Russ Tinkess | Ottawa, Canada | No |
Karana |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Agmyles Dagiant | Myles D | Peoria, IL | No |
Kamasutra Karanatarot | Sarah Privette | Missouri | No |
Kindrid Mors'Affero | Seth Bearden | Houston, TX | No |
Luclin |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Deris Karmala | Jarlath Bloom | Caledonia, NY | No |
The Nameless |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Begheria D'Muerte | | | Yes |
Prexus |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Kurgon | Eduardo De Las Navas | Carmel, Indiana | No |
The Rathe |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Arioc Murkwood | Alen Lapidis | Costa Mesa, CA | Yes |
Divinia D'Muerte | | | No |
Guenwyvar | Anson Summers | San Diego, CA | Yes |
Gukuk | Travis Hodge | Fort Morgan, CO | No |
Morfios Soulstalker | Chris Gaudet | Nova Scotia, Canada | No |
Rallos-Zek |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Zathander De'Daemon | | Windsor, CT | No |
Solusek Ro |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Inphestus | Jacob Beatty | Phoenix, Arizona | Yes |
Ruraz | Todd Baker | Belmont, MI | No |
Souldarken Pureheart | Jeff | | No |
Tallon Zek |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Skurj | Doug Pearce | Canada | No |
Tarew Marr |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Aragorrn | Jason Smith | Australia | No |
The Tribunal |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Dodgamnit | Chris Pruitt | Estill Springs, TN | Yes |
Gurzag | Nick Remous | Minnesota | No |
Tunare |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Avisfung | Lawrence Fung | Hong Kong | No |
Tallon Zek |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Neyphlite Darkenblade | Brian | | No |
Vallon Zek |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Zaephod | Dan L. | Miami Beach, FL | No |
Veeshan |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Monitor | | | No |
Xegony |
Name: | Real Name: | Hometown: | Profile at TKW? |
Lazombra | Glenn Langit | San Diego, CA | No |
Submit picture to the Gallery. |
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