Welcome to Bortas.Net!
I'm not sure how you found here, or why you might be here. You may be looking to contact me, or perhaps, you are looking for my family's website.
I used to be really in to website building. I used them as a tool to bring communities together, from online gaming, social clubs and more. The wonders and power of the internet have made that unnecessary; we all just gather at our favorite social networking site (thus, the blurb over there). Perhaps that is the thing, you wanted to see some of my old work. Well come, see the wonders of ancient technology and my ability to manipulate it:
- HUD - Sheckler's heads up for the day. Sorry, not much of this page is public. (circa 2016)
- EIDL - Earth's Interdimensional Defense League - a D&D campaign website, more of my own writing here. (circa 2016)
- Morwindl - Darkness Falls - a D&D campaign website, tons of my own writing here. (circa 2015)
- S&S Security Services - a business website, built on the Joomla platform. (circa 2011)
- Infernal Requiem - an EverQuest II guild. I wish the news app on the right still worked. (circa 2006)
- Windbag Marina - a draft business website for my father's business. (circa 2004)
- Realm of Ages - an even larger EverQuest guild, my second. (circa 2003)
- Shadow Knights - a second version of the same site. (circa 2000)
- Shadow Knights - an EverQuest class specific website I ran. (circa 1999)
- Ballistics - a gaming 'squad' as we were called at the time. (circa 1999)
- Chaos Zone East - a server for a game called SubSpace. (circa 1999)
- Hero - an EverQuest guild. (circa 1998)
- WebWeavers - a draft business concept. I thought rather highly of my skills... (circa 1997)